Fri, 20 September 2024

Plant Health Solutions - Publications

Plant Health Solutions provides independent research and development, consultancy, seed health testing, plant disease clinic and diagnostic services for horticulture and agriculture.

Roberts SJ; Akram S (2001) Application of peroxygen compounds as processing aids during salad and vegetable washing. HRI. (Report)

Roberts SJ (2001) Black rot of Brassicas: Epidemiology. Annual Report for MAFF Project HH1744SHN, 2000-2001. . 6 pp. (Report)

Roberts SJ (2001) Spear rot of Calabrese: Characterisation of the causal organism and disease epidemiology. MAFF Project HH1760 Final Report 1998-2001. . 9 pp. (Report)

Roberts SJ; Vicente JG (2001) Bacterial canker of cherry (Prunus avium): biology, epidemiology, and resistance. MAFF Project WD0224 Final Report 1999-2001. . 10 pp. (Report)

Roberts SJ; Akram S (2001) Bacterial Diseases of HNS: Chemical Control. In: HDC HNS Open Day, HRI Efford, Sept 2001. (Poster)

Roberts SJ; Conway J (2001) Work Package 4.3 (Bacterial studies). In: Clifford SC; Wurr DCE; Hilton HW; Burton KS; Roberts SJ; Gray D; Conway J; Brocklehurst TF; Parr AJ; Newman J; Smith AC, HORTLINK 232: Improving the quality and shelf-life of cut salad products. Annual Report 2000-01. pp 32-42.

Roberts SJ; Akram S (2001) HDC HNS 91. Bacterial Diseases of HNS: Chemical Control. Annual Report 2000-2001. . (Report)

Roberts SJ (2001) Black rot of Brassicas. In: HRI Kirton Brassica Day, October 2001. (Oral presentation)

Roberts SJ (2001) Extraction methods for Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris from brassica seed. Wellesbourne: HRI. 17 pp. (Report)

Vicente JG; Roberts SJ (2001) Diversity of Pseudomonas syringae isolates from sweet and wild cherry. In: Proceedings of the 11th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union, Evora, Portugal, 17-20 Sept. 2001. pp 29-31. (Edited proceedings)

Vicente JG; Conway J; Roberts SJ; Taylor JD (2001) Identification and origin of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris races and related pathovars. Phytopathology, 91: 492-499. doi:/10.1094/PHYTO.2001.91.5.492 (Refereed paper)

Holcroft SR; Roberts SJ (2000) Genetic diversity among isolates of Xanthomonas hortorum pv. hederae. In: BSPP Conference December 2000. (Abstract of oral presentation.)

Lyons NF; Roberts SJ; Taylor JD (2000) Implementation of certified reference materials to support Community policies for monitoring seed health and to promote quality assurance systems in the seed production chain. Report for the period 1999. Wellesbourne: HRI. (Report)

Roberts SJ; Vicente JG (2000) Bacterial canker of cherry (Prunus avium): biology, epidemiology, and resistance. MAFF Project WD0224 Annual Report 1999-2000. . 6 pp. (Report)

Roberts SJ (2000) Xanthomonas (Black rot) update. In: BGA/HDC Brassica Conference, Stoke Rochford, Grantham, UK. 27 January 2000. pp 15-17. (Abstract of oral presentation)

Roberts SJ (2000) (Oral presentation)

Roberts SJ; Holcroft SJ (2000) Hedera: Biology and epidemiology of Xanthomonas leaf spot. HDC HNS 92 Annual Report 1999-2000. . 22 pp. (Report)

Roberts SJ; Brough J (2000) Brassicas: use of copper sprays to control black rot during transplant production. Final Report HDC FV 186a. Kent, UK: HDC. 15 pp. (Report)

Roberts SJ (2000) Black rot of Brassicas: Epidemiology. Annual Report for MAFF Project HH1744SHN, 1999-2000. . 6 pp. (Report)

Taylor JD; Roberts SJ (2000) Spear rot of Calabrese: Characterisation of the causal organism and disease epidemiology. MAFF Project HH1760 Annual Report 1998-1999. . 6 pp. (Report)